Leadership Treasuring Christ Together Leadership Treasuring Christ Together

Payroll and Accounting Services By Hewn Group


The accounting firm Hewn Group has offered the following discounted services to TCT Member Churches and Planters. Contact Hewn Group for more information and mention that your church is part of the Treasuring Christ Together Network.

Hewn Group
(919) 335-5254
Online Contact Form


Payroll Services

Service is a holistic payroll solution. TCTN church would provide salary, housing payments, and benefits as well as submit hours and reimbursement amounts if applicable; Hewn Group would administrate all other payroll tasks.


1. direct deposit with pay stubs emailed to each employee
2. new hire reporting if required
3. Form 941 quarterly (Federal payroll tax return form)
4. quarterly or monthly state payroll tax return forms
5. quarterly or monthly state tax deposits
6. state annual reconciliation form for payroll tax deposits
7. W-2 sent to each employee via email as well as W-3 to IRS
8. state unemployment quarterly filing if required


Bookkeeping Services

Service is a monthly after-the-fact bookkeeping. This means that Hewn Group would be using bank/credit card statements in conjunction with cash receipts to do the books.


1. restricted funds reporting and allocations
2. budget tracking: Hewn Group would input a church’s yearly/monthly budget and be able to provide monthly statements that show progress against the budget
3. monthly financial statements delivered by 20th of following month that includes
    - statement of activities (this is known as a profit and loss statement in the for-profit world)
    - statement of financial position (this is known as a balance sheet in the for-profit world)
    - functional expenses statement (this report shows expenses in the fundraising, general & administrative, and program expenses
    - updated budget statement

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Education Alex Grodkiewicz Education Alex Grodkiewicz

A Survey of Church History by Brian Borgman

A Survey of Church History

Brian Borgman is founding pastor of Grace Community Church, Minden, NV. He earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University, a Master of Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Seminary. This course covers everything from "The Apostolic Church" to "The Church in the Late 20th Century".

Author: Brian Borgman


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Education, Mutual Care Alex Grodkiewicz Education, Mutual Care Alex Grodkiewicz

The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ


In The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ, Thomas Vincent endeavors to excite and provoke Christians to a lively and vigorous exercise of love toward Jesus. With pastoral affection, Vincent delivers a variety of arguments and motivations to stir us up to love. He also provides a number of wise directions for how to warm and enflame one’s heart with a love for Christ. A devotional classic, this specimen of practical Christianity is full of biblical application and encouragement.

Author: Thomas Vincent

Purchase online at Amazon

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Education Alex Grodkiewicz Education Alex Grodkiewicz

Because We Love Him: Embracing a Life of Holiness


What does it mean to be holy? A holy life is the only true way to show our love for God, according to Clyde Cranford, who spent his life perfecting this way of being. Now in heaven himself, Cranford passes on his discoveries about pursuing holiness, revealing two practical steps for the reader to follow in his deep yet simple book: First, strive to know God, then, to please Him. This accessible and life-changing guide offers unique "how-to" sections on daily quiet times, why and how to memorize Scripture, witnessing, worship, forgetting self, dealing with temptation, and knowing God's will. Readers will find inspiration and empowerment to live their love for God out loud.

Author: Clyde Cranford

Purchase at Amazon

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Education Alex Grodkiewicz Education Alex Grodkiewicz

Glimpses of the Inner Life of Our Lord and the Emotions of Jesus


This double volume contains the classic work by William Garden Blaikie on the Inner Life of Christ, together with “The Emotions of Jesus” by Robert Law. These two books, especially Blaikie’s, cover a little thought of subject but with great sensitivity and profound insight. We have received more letters of appreciation for this volume than all our other books put together.

Authors: William G. Blaikie & Henry Law

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Education Alex Grodkiewicz Education Alex Grodkiewicz

Looking Unto Jesus


Looking unto Jesus, the Crucified One, the Risen One, the Glorified One. Only three words, but they are the basis for the life of faith in Christ. Look to Him as risen glorified revealed by the Holy Spirit who gives repentance to receive from Him the task for each day Looking unto Him NOW, AFRESH, ONLY, STILL, ALWAYS

Author: Theodore Monod

Purchase booklet from Bible Truth Publishers

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Leadership Development, Education Alex Grodkiewicz Leadership Development, Education Alex Grodkiewicz

The Church, Why Bother? by: Jeffrey D. Johnson


The Church: Why Bother? "In one way or another, virtually every troubling trend in the current world of evangelical Christianity is rooted in misunderstanding about the church. What is her proper mission? What is her role in an increasingly secular culture? What should her priorities be? How should a local church function? Why is church membership necessary? or is it? What is the basis for true unity? This excellent book shines the clear light of Scripture on those and many other questions. Since Christ loved the church enough to die for her, every believer ought to share that passion. Jeffrey Johnson clearly does, and I believe you will find his enthusiasm contagious." - John MacArthur

Author: Jeffrey D. Johnson

Purchase at Amazon

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Leadership Alex Grodkiewicz Leadership Alex Grodkiewicz

The Deliberate Church: Building Your Ministry on the Gospel


Pastors Mark Dever and Paul Alexander provide a model of a biblical church in this resource for pastors, elders, and others interested in the vitality of their church. This highly practical book proposes an attitude of complete reliance on and submission to the Gospel in building a healthy church.

Authors: Mark Dever & Paul Alexander

Purchase online at Amazon

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Leadership Alex Grodkiewicz Leadership Alex Grodkiewicz

Do We Have a Policy?


Subtitled: ‘Paul's Ten Point Policy for Church Health and Growth’. What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? 

The apostle Paul had a very definite policy, and called it his 'purpose', using a Greek word which means – a plan or strategy displayed for all to see. This book sets out ten policy ideals, gleaned from Paul's teaching, all of which are essential for the health and growth of a congregation today.

Author: Peter Masters

Purchase online at Amazon

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Mutual Care, Education Alex Grodkiewicz Mutual Care, Education Alex Grodkiewicz

Thoughts on Religious Experience


The nature of spiritual experience is probably both the most interesting and the most difficult subject in Christian literature: interesting because it concerns human life in all observable stages from childhood to death, and embraces all the emotions and behaviour possible in a man regenerated by the Holy Spirit; difficult because the adequate treatment of the subject makes immense demands upon the author. To trace sanctification and backsliding, as they appear in human consciousness, presupposes a sound biblical theology as well as a spirituality of mind and a pastoral knowledge broad enough to interpret all the varieties in type which occur.

Author: Archibald Alexander

Free PDF digitized by Google here.
Print copies available via various vendors here.

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Prayer Alex Grodkiewicz Prayer Alex Grodkiewicz

Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne


Few books have had such a widespread influence on the lives of God's people. Testimonies to its usefulness were received from many lands and Christians of differing theological persuasions have testified to the blessing experiences through reading it. 'This is one of the best and most profitable volumes ever published', said C.H. Spurgeon. 'The memoir of such a man ought surely to be in the hands of every Christian and certainly every preacher of the Gospel.' Few books contain such variety and welath of spiritual matter between their covers.

Author: Andrew A. Bonar

Free PDF available at: Grace-eBooks.com
Free in various electronic formats at: OpenLibrary.org
Print copies available via various vendors here.

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Worship Alex Grodkiewicz Worship Alex Grodkiewicz

Desiring the Kingdom By James K.A. Smith


Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Cultural Liturgies) (Book)
James K. A. Smith (2009)
Grand Rapid, MI: Baker Academic

Free 25-page excerpt provided by Baker Publishing Group here.
Print copies available via various vendors here.

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