TCT Roundtable Discussion: Pastoring Well in Uncertain Times
TCT Roundtable Discussion: Pastoring Well in Uncertain Times
00:00: Introductions
07:30: Keeping Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus in the Midst of COVID19: Meditations from Hebrews 12:1-2 by Jordan Thomas
23:06: Resources available for shepherding well at
24:58: Q&A across the regions on practical ways to shepherd well
26:25: Are you continuing to preach through your current sermon series or have you placed your current book or series on pause and started something new in this time?
28:19: Are you live streaming only the sermon or the whole service? Are you administering the Lord’s Supper over live stream, and if so, how?
32:04: Video conferencing vs live streaming services
33:33: Ways to strategically offer soul care; plans in place regionally
44:44: Ideas for evangelism or Easter Service
50:55: Has Shelter-in-Place changed your ability to live stream?
53:08: Weddings and Funerals
56:34: Where are you meeting for Counseling conversations?
58:27: Further thoughts on “repeated weddings” at a later time
1:02:57: Feeding the homeless