1. Review

Review our mission, vision and defining doctrine.

2. Contact

Contact us about completing an application and assessment.

3. Apply

4. Be Invited to Assessment

Partner With Us



Church Planter

We are seeking partners who are united in doctrine and the work of planting new churches.

To begin the application process as a member or partner church:

1. Review our mission, vision, and defining doctrine.
2. If possible, attend one of our open events in order to talk with us more.
3. Contact us about completing an application and assessment.

There are three forms of TCT membership and one form of non-member partnership.

1. Church Planter Membership (duration of 2 years) is for a church planter who has been assessed, approved, and is being coached for church planting ministry by TCT leadership.

Process to become a Church Planter Member

Benefits Include: 

  • Invitation to National / Regional Trainings & Gatherings

  • Access to Coaching Triads or Quads

  • Invitation to National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat

  • Access to TCTN Planting Partner relationships

  • Access to application for church planting funding

  • International planting partnerships

  • TCT Website Listing & Public Affiliation

Expectations Include: 

  • Participation in regular TCT Trainings & Gatherings

  • Commitment to attend coaching at least six times per year

  • Attendance at the National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat


New Church

2. New Church Membership is for a church plant that has gathered an attendance of more than 40 adults, and collects an offering of over $1500-2500 per week.

Benefits Include: 

  • Invitation to National / Regional Trainings & Gatherings

  • Invitation for two elder couples to National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat

  • Access to Coaching Triads or Quads

  • Access to TCTN Planting Partner relationships

  • Access to application for church planting funding

  • International planting partnerships

  • TCT Website Listing & Public Affiliation

Expectations Include:

  • Participation in regular TCT Trainings & Gatherings

  • Attendance at the National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat

  • Commitment to provide coaching at least six times per year

  • Aim to recruit, identify, and develop potential church planters and leaders for TCTN

  • Serve on TCTN national assessment teams to assess other planters

  • Contribute a percentage of church budget to TCTN's mission and budget (see Membership Covenant)


Parent Church

3. Parent Church Membership is for like-minded churches whose elders embrace the TCTN Affirmation of Faith as well as a shared vision for planting churches. Parent Churches submit to TCT assessment to be approved as either 1) a church planting residency center or 2) a sending church which will supply potential church planters or church plant team members from its membership to plant TCTN churches.

Process to become a Parent Church Member

Benefits Include: 

  • Engagement in the work of church planting through a residency, assessment, coaching of planters, strategizing, and/or access to funding.

  • Invitation to National / Regional Trainings & Gatherings

  • Access to Coaching Triads or Quads

  • Access to TCTN Planting Partner relationships

  • Invitation for two elder couples to National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat

  • Potential training of others regionally/nationally

  • Access to application for church planting funding

  • International church planting partnerships

  • TCT Website Listing & Public Affiliation

  • After 2 yrs of affiliation with network (or earlier discussion with the lead team), you may host a residency, have access to planting docs, and national & regional planting training

Expectations Include:

  • Contribution to coaching and regular TCT Trainings & Gatherings

  • Send representative leaders to scheduled TCTN gatherings and engage in relationships of mutual encouragement, accountability, coaching, and leadership development

  • Commitment to provide coaching at least six times per year

  • Attendance at the National Annual Pastors & Wives Retreat

  • Aim to recruit, identify, and develop potential church planters and leaders for TCTN

  • Serve on TCTN national assessment teams to assess other planters

  • Contribute a percentage of church budget to TCTN's mission and budget (see Membership Covenant)


TCTN Planting Partners are churches and individuals who desire to provide financial and relational support directly to a partnering TCTN Church Planter. This partnership provides a relationship by connecting the church to an approved planter. Planting Partners commit to one year agreements to prayerfully financially support their TCTN Church Planter. All money given through TCTN Planting Partner gifts goes directly to a church plant.

Process to become a Planting Partner

Benefits Include: 

  • Invitation to Lead Pastor to attend National / Regional Trainings & Gatherings

  • Direct relationship with assessed, approved, coached TCT Church Planter

  • Introduction of church planting DNA to your local body of believers

  • Opportunity to support church planting directly

Expectations Include:

  • Prayer support for church planter

  • Financial support for church planter