Partner With Us
Church Plant
(3 years and under)
We are seeking partners who are united in doctrine, in culture, and in the work of planting churches.
Review our mission, defining doctrine, cultural statement, and TCT church attributes to see if you are interested in partnership with this family of churches.
There are two forms of TCT membership and one form of non-member partnership.
Church Planting Partnership
Existing Church Partnership
To begin fill out this brief interest form:
Relationship (Conversation/s)
Possible Residency and Equipping
Assessment (includes conversations with sending church or church plant elders)
Invitation to Partner (sign the partnership covenant)
Existing Church
(3 years and over)
To begin fill out this brief interest form:
Relationship (Conversation/s)
Conversation with Elders
Invitation to Partner (sign the partnership covenant)
Non-Member Partnership
TCTN Planting Partners are churches and individuals who desire to provide financial and relational support directly to a partnering TCTN Church Planter. This partnership provides a relationship by connecting the church to an approved planter. Planting Partners commit to one year agreements to prayerfully financially support their TCTN Church Planter. All money given through TCTN Planting Partner gifts goes directly to a church plant.
Process to become a Planting Partner
Benefits Include:
Invitation to Lead Pastor to attend National / Regional Trainings & Gatherings
Direct relationship with assessed, approved, coached TCT Church Planter
Introduction of church planting DNA to your local body of believers
Opportunity to support church planting directly
Expectations Include:
Prayer support for church planter
Financial support for church planter