Jesus is embodied. Right now, and forever. Upon this truth our eternal salvation depends.
When I began talking to my friend about the Gospel, Jesus changed her heart and impacted her life more than my mere message.
Personal and corporate strategies of wartime living, courageous witness, and social action to show the supreme value of Christ to fallen people and fallen culture.
I came into the basement emotionally undone. The elders were gathered around folding tables in the fellowship hall; the old Awana lines can be seen taped on the floor. I was a mess. As I sat down, I was asked how I was. The brothers knew it was a rough time, but they were looking for more.
Life is hard. Life in covenant community is sometimes even harder. It takes intentionality and sacrifice to love those God has placed in our lives.
We believe that lasting joy is found in cherishing Jesus of Nazareth as Lord and Savior. Before we will help others prize Jesus, we understand that our own hearts must treasure Him. Put simply, we cannot export what we do not possess.
We live in a time when industries are constantly changing, technologies are rapidly developing, and skills are continually in need of sharpening. To stay current with the latest advancements, skills, and technologies in their fields, many professionals utilize (and many companies require) continuing education to help stay competitive, relevant, and effective.
In the Gospel of Matthew, we find two stories from the life of Jesus which provide an instructive contrast between priorities and perspective. The first story is in chapter eight and begins with Jesus and his disciples in a boat, crossing an unnamed body of water.
As a pastor of a local church there is a consistent spiritual, emotional, and even physical need that seems to come across my “desk” (email, Facebook, etc.) at a pace faster than I can keep up with.
What is the most important thing humanity can do? According to Jesus, it is to love the Lord our God with all that we have and all that we are (Matt. 22.37).
Restoration Church pastors Nathan Knight and Joey Craft sat down with Executive Director and Pastor Sean Cordell to discuss the benefits and purpose of belonging to Treasuring Christ Together.